Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Project Report

A Summer Project Report on â€Å"Create Awareness about Whirlpool Brand of Accessories and Purifier in the Market and Design a plan to make them a household usage item† Towards partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) (affiliated to U. P. Technical University, Lucknow) Submitted To:- Submitted By: Mrs. Smriti Srivastava Ashok Kumar Gupta Lecturer MBA IIIrd Semester NIEC, Lucknow 2007-2009 PREFACE Perception of consumer regarding promotional tools of any company entirely depends upon awareness of individuals. Besides these, the availability of right tools to the right consumer at the right place with the right communication are need of the hour. It is the needless to say that the planning, selling and serving he consumer play an important role in the respect. Chance in promotional tools, product line, quality, shape, size and design price channel of distribution etc. are made on the basis of information and choice picked up from the market through constant and incessant research. In order to take decision market would constantly be monitored to have needful information for necessary feed back in the rend of the market. As such the marketing research would be an effective tool of measuring the consumer aspiration and perception. Not only thi, it would also provide a link between then corporate environment and marketing organization. The timely marketing research, thus may be viewed as in evitable tool used an aid to tackle the ensuring tiny and tall problems in marketing . I am sanguine , the finding of the survey would be of immense importance and value for the WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd, in formulating their marketing strategies and policies. (Ashok Kumar Gupta) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Really, it is a matter of profound to me to have an opportunity to undergoes summer training at WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. In Lucknow. Undoubtedly, it is also of paramount important to thank Mr. Talha Ismile ( Marketing manager), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow who extended his kind cooperation by giving guideline and tips about how to survey the market. I would like to give my special thanks to Mrs. Smriti Srivastava (Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration, NIEC, Lucknow) he offered time and vital encouragement when I needed it most in Lucknow. The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any work would always remain incomplete unless we mention the valuable cooperation and assistance of those people, who as an expression of gratitude, constant guidance and encouragement , served as a beacon- lit and crown our efforts with success. IO am sanguine, the finding of the survey would be of immense importance and value for the ), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow in formulating their marketing strategies and policies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I started my training with ), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow where I thoroughly studied the current create an awareness about whirlpool brand of accessories and purifier in the market and design a plan to make them a household usage item. In order to complete my research. I look a Lucknow district where I take survey and display all whirlpool Accessories and New Launch R. O. Based System Water Purifier into the prime location. I received some positive response from the customers as customer has shown a very keen interest in Accessories and also in R. O. Based System Water Purifier. I found out that most of the customer where not aware about Whirlpool Accessories and R. O. Based System Water Purifier. My research report contains company profile analysis finding, conclusion recommendation etc. I conclude that most of the people were not aware, hence proper advertisement should be taken to promote the Whirlpool Accessories. TABLE OF CONTENT ? PROBLEM DEFINITION ? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ? COMPANY PROFILE ? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ? DATA ANALYSIS ? FINDING ? SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS ? SWOT ANALYSIS ? CONCLUSION ? ANNEXURE ? BIBLIOGRAPHY PROBLEM DEFINITION In Whirlpool studying about methods for marketing of water purifier and accessories with respect to its competitors The first motive of the company is to aware about the impurities of water and TDS level which is most probably unknown by the people and tell the difference between RO (Reverse Osmosis) and UV (Ultra Violet) And which system is useful for the consumer it d epends upon the TDS level of the water and minerals and impurity found in the water at present Indian Government recommended the TDS level of water for Human consumption is 120-140 and if it is near about 150 to 170 there is no need for RO water purifier. But if it is more than 180 then it is strongly recommended that RO technology can reduce the TDS level of water there is no use of UV technology In accessories Whirlpool introduces a wide range for products which is very useful for Home Appliances. Most of the cases it is seemed that appliance can not give 100% satisfaction to its users due to the carelessness or not giving right advice to users. People use costly appliance but not uses the recommended thing with product. Which should be harmful for appliance and this cause to be a big fault. In accessories there are so many products which increase the efficiency of appliances and increase its life with very minimum cost. And there are so many products which can be use in twice way i. e. refrigerator and microwave oven the products are cilico tray and neat and fresh kit. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The Research Objective is to prepare a model which will give the maximum leverage to marketing to its product and establish Whirlpool as a Market leader in both segments. To fulfill the objective of Research When Whirlpool launched this series of Water Purifier and Accessories the advertisement was done by company at television and make a display of the water purifier units at every place where dealers have whirlpool products. And when the technician goes for installation of the machinery or repair it he display the same. It is also the study of competitors who are selling Water Purifier and accessories and what method and marketing strategy they are using to selling their products. By studying that we can get the method which is useful for selling the whirlpool products. So the first thing is to get the information about other companies who are selling the accessories and water purifiers. For that purpose we met the marketing executives and service engineers of other companies like IFB, LG and SAMSUNG. So their preference is to give maximum quality and proper services to its consumers after sale. SOME MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 1. To study the current market of Lucknow . 2. To study the awareness level of customer about the WHIRLPOOL accessories and water Purifier. 3. To suggest how can sell of water purifier increase in market. COMPANY PROFILE Project Report A Summer Project Report on â€Å"Create Awareness about Whirlpool Brand of Accessories and Purifier in the Market and Design a plan to make them a household usage item† Towards partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) (affiliated to U. P. Technical University, Lucknow) Submitted To:- Submitted By: Mrs. Smriti Srivastava Ashok Kumar Gupta Lecturer MBA IIIrd Semester NIEC, Lucknow 2007-2009 PREFACE Perception of consumer regarding promotional tools of any company entirely depends upon awareness of individuals. Besides these, the availability of right tools to the right consumer at the right place with the right communication are need of the hour. It is the needless to say that the planning, selling and serving he consumer play an important role in the respect. Chance in promotional tools, product line, quality, shape, size and design price channel of distribution etc. are made on the basis of information and choice picked up from the market through constant and incessant research. In order to take decision market would constantly be monitored to have needful information for necessary feed back in the rend of the market. As such the marketing research would be an effective tool of measuring the consumer aspiration and perception. Not only thi, it would also provide a link between then corporate environment and marketing organization. The timely marketing research, thus may be viewed as in evitable tool used an aid to tackle the ensuring tiny and tall problems in marketing . I am sanguine , the finding of the survey would be of immense importance and value for the WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd, in formulating their marketing strategies and policies. (Ashok Kumar Gupta) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Really, it is a matter of profound to me to have an opportunity to undergoes summer training at WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. In Lucknow. Undoubtedly, it is also of paramount important to thank Mr. Talha Ismile ( Marketing manager), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow who extended his kind cooperation by giving guideline and tips about how to survey the market. I would like to give my special thanks to Mrs. Smriti Srivastava (Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration, NIEC, Lucknow) he offered time and vital encouragement when I needed it most in Lucknow. The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any work would always remain incomplete unless we mention the valuable cooperation and assistance of those people, who as an expression of gratitude, constant guidance and encouragement , served as a beacon- lit and crown our efforts with success. IO am sanguine, the finding of the survey would be of immense importance and value for the ), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow in formulating their marketing strategies and policies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I started my training with ), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow where I thoroughly studied the current create an awareness about whirlpool brand of accessories and purifier in the market and design a plan to make them a household usage item. In order to complete my research. I look a Lucknow district where I take survey and display all whirlpool Accessories and New Launch R. O. Based System Water Purifier into the prime location. I received some positive response from the customers as customer has shown a very keen interest in Accessories and also in R. O. Based System Water Purifier. I found out that most of the customer where not aware about Whirlpool Accessories and R. O. Based System Water Purifier. My research report contains company profile analysis finding, conclusion recommendation etc. I conclude that most of the people were not aware, hence proper advertisement should be taken to promote the Whirlpool Accessories. TABLE OF CONTENT ? PROBLEM DEFINITION ? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ? COMPANY PROFILE ? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ? DATA ANALYSIS ? FINDING ? SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS ? SWOT ANALYSIS ? CONCLUSION ? ANNEXURE ? BIBLIOGRAPHY PROBLEM DEFINITION In Whirlpool studying about methods for marketing of water purifier and accessories with respect to its competitors The first motive of the company is to aware about the impurities of water and TDS level which is most probably unknown by the people and tell the difference between RO (Reverse Osmosis) and UV (Ultra Violet) And which system is useful for the consumer it d epends upon the TDS level of the water and minerals and impurity found in the water at present Indian Government recommended the TDS level of water for Human consumption is 120-140 and if it is near about 150 to 170 there is no need for RO water purifier. But if it is more than 180 then it is strongly recommended that RO technology can reduce the TDS level of water there is no use of UV technology In accessories Whirlpool introduces a wide range for products which is very useful for Home Appliances. Most of the cases it is seemed that appliance can not give 100% satisfaction to its users due to the carelessness or not giving right advice to users. People use costly appliance but not uses the recommended thing with product. Which should be harmful for appliance and this cause to be a big fault. In accessories there are so many products which increase the efficiency of appliances and increase its life with very minimum cost. And there are so many products which can be use in twice way i. e. refrigerator and microwave oven the products are cilico tray and neat and fresh kit. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The Research Objective is to prepare a model which will give the maximum leverage to marketing to its product and establish Whirlpool as a Market leader in both segments. To fulfill the objective of Research When Whirlpool launched this series of Water Purifier and Accessories the advertisement was done by company at television and make a display of the water purifier units at every place where dealers have whirlpool products. And when the technician goes for installation of the machinery or repair it he display the same. It is also the study of competitors who are selling Water Purifier and accessories and what method and marketing strategy they are using to selling their products. By studying that we can get the method which is useful for selling the whirlpool products. So the first thing is to get the information about other companies who are selling the accessories and water purifiers. For that purpose we met the marketing executives and service engineers of other companies like IFB, LG and SAMSUNG. So their preference is to give maximum quality and proper services to its consumers after sale. SOME MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 1. To study the current market of Lucknow . 2. To study the awareness level of customer about the WHIRLPOOL accessories and water Purifier. 3. To suggest how can sell of water purifier increase in market. COMPANY PROFILE Project Report A Summer Project Report on â€Å"Create Awareness about Whirlpool Brand of Accessories and Purifier in the Market and Design a plan to make them a household usage item† Towards partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) (affiliated to U. P. Technical University, Lucknow) Submitted To:- Submitted By: Mrs. Smriti Srivastava Ashok Kumar Gupta Lecturer MBA IIIrd Semester NIEC, Lucknow 2007-2009 PREFACE Perception of consumer regarding promotional tools of any company entirely depends upon awareness of individuals. Besides these, the availability of right tools to the right consumer at the right place with the right communication are need of the hour. It is the needless to say that the planning, selling and serving he consumer play an important role in the respect. Chance in promotional tools, product line, quality, shape, size and design price channel of distribution etc. are made on the basis of information and choice picked up from the market through constant and incessant research. In order to take decision market would constantly be monitored to have needful information for necessary feed back in the rend of the market. As such the marketing research would be an effective tool of measuring the consumer aspiration and perception. Not only thi, it would also provide a link between then corporate environment and marketing organization. The timely marketing research, thus may be viewed as in evitable tool used an aid to tackle the ensuring tiny and tall problems in marketing . I am sanguine , the finding of the survey would be of immense importance and value for the WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd, in formulating their marketing strategies and policies. (Ashok Kumar Gupta) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Really, it is a matter of profound to me to have an opportunity to undergoes summer training at WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. In Lucknow. Undoubtedly, it is also of paramount important to thank Mr. Talha Ismile ( Marketing manager), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow who extended his kind cooperation by giving guideline and tips about how to survey the market. I would like to give my special thanks to Mrs. Smriti Srivastava (Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration, NIEC, Lucknow) he offered time and vital encouragement when I needed it most in Lucknow. The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any work would always remain incomplete unless we mention the valuable cooperation and assistance of those people, who as an expression of gratitude, constant guidance and encouragement , served as a beacon- lit and crown our efforts with success. IO am sanguine, the finding of the survey would be of immense importance and value for the ), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow in formulating their marketing strategies and policies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I started my training with ), WHIRLPOOL India Pvt. Ltd. , Lucknow where I thoroughly studied the current create an awareness about whirlpool brand of accessories and purifier in the market and design a plan to make them a household usage item. In order to complete my research. I look a Lucknow district where I take survey and display all whirlpool Accessories and New Launch R. O. Based System Water Purifier into the prime location. I received some positive response from the customers as customer has shown a very keen interest in Accessories and also in R. O. Based System Water Purifier. I found out that most of the customer where not aware about Whirlpool Accessories and R. O. Based System Water Purifier. My research report contains company profile analysis finding, conclusion recommendation etc. I conclude that most of the people were not aware, hence proper advertisement should be taken to promote the Whirlpool Accessories. TABLE OF CONTENT ? PROBLEM DEFINITION ? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ? COMPANY PROFILE ? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ? DATA ANALYSIS ? FINDING ? SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS ? SWOT ANALYSIS ? CONCLUSION ? ANNEXURE ? BIBLIOGRAPHY PROBLEM DEFINITION In Whirlpool studying about methods for marketing of water purifier and accessories with respect to its competitors The first motive of the company is to aware about the impurities of water and TDS level which is most probably unknown by the people and tell the difference between RO (Reverse Osmosis) and UV (Ultra Violet) And which system is useful for the consumer it d epends upon the TDS level of the water and minerals and impurity found in the water at present Indian Government recommended the TDS level of water for Human consumption is 120-140 and if it is near about 150 to 170 there is no need for RO water purifier. But if it is more than 180 then it is strongly recommended that RO technology can reduce the TDS level of water there is no use of UV technology In accessories Whirlpool introduces a wide range for products which is very useful for Home Appliances. Most of the cases it is seemed that appliance can not give 100% satisfaction to its users due to the carelessness or not giving right advice to users. People use costly appliance but not uses the recommended thing with product. Which should be harmful for appliance and this cause to be a big fault. In accessories there are so many products which increase the efficiency of appliances and increase its life with very minimum cost. And there are so many products which can be use in twice way i. e. refrigerator and microwave oven the products are cilico tray and neat and fresh kit. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The Research Objective is to prepare a model which will give the maximum leverage to marketing to its product and establish Whirlpool as a Market leader in both segments. To fulfill the objective of Research When Whirlpool launched this series of Water Purifier and Accessories the advertisement was done by company at television and make a display of the water purifier units at every place where dealers have whirlpool products. And when the technician goes for installation of the machinery or repair it he display the same. It is also the study of competitors who are selling Water Purifier and accessories and what method and marketing strategy they are using to selling their products. By studying that we can get the method which is useful for selling the whirlpool products. So the first thing is to get the information about other companies who are selling the accessories and water purifiers. For that purpose we met the marketing executives and service engineers of other companies like IFB, LG and SAMSUNG. So their preference is to give maximum quality and proper services to its consumers after sale. SOME MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 1. To study the current market of Lucknow . 2. To study the awareness level of customer about the WHIRLPOOL accessories and water Purifier. 3. To suggest how can sell of water purifier increase in market. COMPANY PROFILE

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